Meet The Doctor


Hi there!

I am a General Physician (by vocation) & fun-Doctor (by avocation) from New Delhi, India who chose to burst upon the scene of Joy-Medicine with an additional self-conferred fun-title Doctor of Humour & fun-degree D.H.M (Doctor of Humour Medicine), apart from my Medical Degree, on April the First, 2012 or All Fools’ Day in the year that’s going to culminate in making All Fools of Doomsday prognosticators of circa 2012 !

The world as we have not known it will continue to live & prosper after 2012 with an enhanced FQ (fun quotient) for all those with an FU (don’t get me wrong, it denotes ‘forgive you‘ & ‘forget you’!) attitude to all our lives’ meaningless miseries & depressing drudgeries. I intend to be around for a long time to play my part in the transitioning process with my very own fun-prescriptions aimed at helping you to live long & prosper, with my brand of humour!

Start savoring my fun-prescriptions with my first offering “Take It From Me!” for fun, frolic & free-speak pathway to love, learning & laughter through a celebratory consumption of human follies & foibles serving as fodder for the funny bone, with more platters to follow in the ensuing weeks.

I am looking to transform fun-indoctrination into a full time persuasion shortly!


PS: My fun-message for all eternity :”Life is a seriously fun-filled tribute to ‘Narcissism’, albeit with our definition of self ranging from the petty to the exalted!”

Read my short & fun Autobiographical post “In Love with Myself” to know more about myself & my message !

PPS: My FaceBook pages – “Dr. Sudhir Bhushan ~ Doctor of Humour” &

WHAT’S ON MY MIND:      ‘SEX, SEX & only SEX!’ is what’s on my mind. That’s my acronym for ‘Synergistic Energy Xchange’ ! Let’s take it beyond the most frequently practiced corporeal variant (that’s great fun,too) to the emotional, intellectual, phantasmal & spiritual scales!

SEX, in its true essence, is nothing but two or more persons/entities combining their passions together to create a greater common passion which is more than the sum of the original individual passions in a way that fits into the Divine Cosmic Evolutionary Formula: “1+1>2″. Through the magic of Synergistic Energy Xchange, the partners concerned can take the combined total of their unified passion to a value potentially as high as ‘infinity’. The passion of a Hanuman for his Ram, of a Radha or Meera for their Krishna/Ghanshyam or of a Mary Magdalene for Jesus Christ would be among the most illuminating examples of this possibility.

Incidentally, Synergistic Energy Xchange can also happen through ‘self-touching’ when a person/entity gets devoted to the cause of individual passion such as happened to the likes of Nelson Mandela, Suu Kyi, Sri Aurobindo, P.G.Wodehouse (genius recluses all) or in a minor way (yet) Your Friendly Neighborhood Fun Doctor (yours truly) devoted to the cause of Fun – Enlightening all you “Gods In Amnesia”!

Life can be a great journey of ‘harmonious co-evolution’ as we learn to utilize ‘Synergistic Energy Xchange’ to effect extrapolation of Dr. Thomas Harris’s  “I’m OK, You’re OK” approaches to Doctor of Humour’s  “I’m fun-God, You’re fun-God” attitude (never forgetting that SEX is the most fun game in entire Creation) !

The meaning of “I AM THAT I AM” :

My God died young,
Theolatory I found;
And  its premises unsound.

No free man needs a God
And, by God, I am free now!
My God set me free, wow!


TIME, as we know it with our senses, is but ‘A SLICE OF THE ETERNAL IN THE EXPANSE THAT IS INFINITY’!
To know TIME (COMPREHENSIVELY) we need to be our “I AM THAT I AM” SELVES!

IMAGINATION: The Grand Perspective!    “USE IT OR LOSE IT”!   It is THE PATHWAY for every CHILD of “ALL THAT IS” to come to their “I AM THAT I AM” Self-Realization!!!


3 thoughts on “Meet The Doctor

  1. Hi Sudhir,
    Great to be receiving your medicine remotely in Australia. We live in the age of ADD (attentition deficiency disorder, or achievement deficiency disorder as well as action deficiency disorder). So read a couple of pages a while ago and got back to reading more today. These are hilarious.
    I have just one request. Please pay the guys from Wellingon & Christchurch a bit more. Becharey south pole ke Paas rehte hain.
    All the best for your Fee-hd (or, Fhdd= Fun hansi da daftar)

    • Hi Rajeev,
      Glad my efforts have brought some cheer to you.
      The guys from Wellingon & Christchurch (in the “Contract fix” post ~ May 29, 2012) could get paid a bit more. But they would truly be victims of ADD if they went remiss in remembering the kick-back rates would go up for them commensurately!

  2. I was very happy to get in touch with u after so many years.I am in Malaysia and a joint replacement surgeon working for Malaysian Govt.How about u ?

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